We love to receive feedback
We welcome your comments, thoughts and ideas.
Please fill out our the feedback forms linked and fax to Administration
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us – it helps us to improve our service.
You are also welcome to write to us, drop in, fax us or give us a ring.
Mailing address:
22-23 Yalu Street Pormpuraaw QLD 4892
Tel: 07 40604260
Fax: 07 40604280
If our staff or service have not lived up to your expectations please let us know. You can make a complaint to any PormpurPaanthuManager or by filling out our online Complaints Form
We respect your privacy. Your information is confidential and will only be seen by relevant staff. We appreciate you taking the time to make your complaint.
Further help
If you make a complaint and are not satisfied with the way the complaint has been dealt with by Pormpur Paanthu you can contact the Health Quality and Complaints Commission or the Queensland Ombudsman:
Health Quality and Complaints Commission
GPO Box 3089, BRISBANE QLD 4001
Tel: 07 3120 5999
Toll Free: 1800 077 308
Queensland Ombudsman
Tel: 07 3005 7000
Toll Free: 1800 068 908