The Remote Jobs and Communities Program (RJCP) will help people in remote regions to get and keep jobs and ensure that people who are not working are participating in activities that contribute to developing strong and sustainable communities.

Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation is committed to strengthening the capacity of leadership among young people living in Pormpuraaw through a variety of methods i.e. Training and Mentoring; engagement strategies; teambuilding and social inclusion activities


Provide benefits to Indigenous people and their community by supporting social and economic participation for RJCP Participants
Provide opportunities for job seekers to participate to improve their employment prospects and to help them develop skills and capabilities needed to gain sustainable employment
Provide a range of social inclusion activities across a spectrum of age groups 12-26 years of age as part of engagement activities


To assist job seekers into employment or enable them to participate in community development activities according to their participation requirements and the level of their assessed work capacity.
Build capacity of the future leaders in the community of Pormpuraaw through a structured package which includes training, mentoring and community engagement techniques


Provide benefits to job seekers in the remote regions by creating employment opportunities and innovative approaches to recruiting, employing and retaining job seekers, particularly Indigenous people, women, young people and people with disability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander young people aged 11-26 years of age living in Pormpuraaw


Work like outcomes generated through providing activities that promote personal and social development and leads to employment and training opportunities.
Employment outcomes generated through providing this Program
Type of training courses and mentoring offered that contributes to a whole of life consideration


  • Develop Activity Work Plan
  • Establish the Youth Development Unit
  • PPAC and Jobfind to develop MOU that confirms referral pathways for job seekers to youth welfare and counselling services
  • Co-Case Management and empowering strategies
  • Needs assessment and management of case/service plans
  • Establish Steering Committee with Jobfind and the Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council
  • Establish Youth Focus Group to explore activities that leads to social inclusion and training opportunities
  • Community education
  • Job Seekers’ Youth Training Plan in partnership with RJCP – Jobfind
  • Youth Summit: Presentation of young peoples’ views and aspirations; Career Expo
  • Develop Pormpuraaw Youth Group
  • Decrease in anti-social behaviours
  • Job Creation for 16-24 year olds
  • Provide financial and Activity Reports