CHILDREN AND FAMILY SUPPORT (CaFS) PROGRAM 1.INTRODUCTION Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation provides a support service to children and families at risk of entering the child protection system. 2.SCOPE Support the safety and wellbeing of children and young people through the use of prevention and early intervention strategies; and Support vulnerable children and families who are…


Child Care

CHILD CARE HUB 1.INTRODUCTION Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation promotes early childhood development through early childhood education and parenting programs for families and children living in Pormpuraaw. 2.SCOPE To provide support to children and families through a wide range of activities and respond effectively to the diverse needs of children and families in the community; Encourage…


Play Group

PLAYGROUP PROGRAM 1.INTRODUCTION Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation provides a Playgroup program to enhance the early childhood development of children from birth to four years of age living in Pormpuraaw. 2.SCOPE To provide a quality early childhood developmental program which offers a safe and caring environment in which children can build confidence in their abilities, extend…


Targetted Parenting

TARGETED PARENTING PROGRAM 1. INTRODUCTION Pormpur Paanthu Aboriginal Corporation provides a targeted parenting program that supports families of children from birth to 8 years of age living in Pormpuraaw 2. SCOPE Provide a range of educational and personal development programs and activities targeting parents of children 0-8 years; Support mothers and their family networks in…
